Information for Swimmers & Parents of Regional Age Group

Please check at least every other day for updates.

Kevin Schofield (

Oli Nevitt (

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

March Madness & Training Changes

Hi all,
Just a reminder of the arrival times the March Madness Meet this weekend.  Swimmers in Regional Development are to report to Phoebe Parry for this competition.

Arrival & Warm Up Times
Am Session
Girls 9, 10, 11 & 12 Years - Arrive: 07:25, Warm Up: 07:55 - 08:10
Girls 13, 14, 15/over - Arrive: 07:41, Warm Up: 08:11 - 08:26
Boys 9, 10, 11 & 12 Years - Arrive: 07:57, Warm Up: 08:27 - 08:42
Boys 13, 14, 15/over - Arrive: 08:15, Warm Up: 08:43 - 08:58
Start:  09:00
Pm Session
Girls 9, 10, 11 & 12 Years - Arrive: 12:25, Warm Up: 12:55 - 13:10
Girls 13, 14, 15/over - Arrive: 12:41, Warm Up: 13:11 - 13:26
Boys 9, 10, 11 & 12 Years - Arrive: 13:00, Warm Up: 13:27 - 13:42
Boys 13, 14, 15/over - Arrive: 13:13, Warm Up: 13:43 - 13:58
Start:  14:00
Meet Information (March Madness)

Please notify withdrawals by email to: before 7.45am for the morning heats and before 12.45pm for the afternoon heats.

In order to run a licensed meet a lot of help is required. We would be extremely grateful if your club has any licensed officials that would be prepared to help during the meet. If so, then please sign up using the following link March Madness 2025 Officials Signup Link or contact our officials' coordinator Kim Beighton at A copy of our official's expenses policy can be found on our website -

Training Changes
Just a reminder there will be No AM training on Monday 3rd March following the competition.

Good Luck Everyone!
The Regional Team

Monday, 24 February 2025


Some good sprinting at the Yorkshire Sprints by the Regional Squads down at Sheffield and some amazing times.  You should all be very pleased with yourselves.  Three weekends of racing and all of them swum great, we are very proud of you all.  We are currently in a big block of training which will take through to the NER's.  

There are now 8 weeks to the NER's.  For those swimmers not attending NER's you will have 5 weeks to Hull and then 12 weeks of training up to the Sheffield No Frills.  This is a great opportunity to attend as many sessions as possible and get some work behind you before racing again.  You may find some sessions tough, but this is aimed at preparing you to be race ready.  

Train at 100% effort every session to give yourself the best possible chance of success in the upcoming competitions.  GET STUCK IN!!!

Regional Development
Overall, as a group you achieved a whopping 71PB's out of 115 Swims, 4 Gold Medals, 3 Silver Medals, 3 Bronze Medals, 24 Yorkshire Final Swims (17 were swum faster in the final), 7 more NER times and 14 Top 4th - 10th place finishes in Yorkshire.  Well Done!

🌟Gold Medallists (2)🌟
Ted Wi (3), Henry Pa (1)

Silver Medallists (3)
Henry Pa (1), Liam Li (1), Ted Wi (1)

Bronze Medallists (2)
Sam Fo (2), Adam Mo (1)

Yorkshire Finalists 4th - 10th Places (8)
Henry Pa (4th & 7th), Liam Li (4th, 7th & 8th), Adam Mo (5th), Sam Fo (5th & 6th), Jacob Ca (6th & 7th), Reuben Ba (8th), Fraser Ga (9th), Zac Ph (7th & 10th)

Regional Performance
Overall, as a group you achieved 78 PB's out of 121 Swims, 3 Silver Medals, 2 Bronze Medals, 27 Yorkshire Final Swims (9 of which were swum faster in the final), 3 Silver Medals, 1 Bronze Medals, 27 Top 4th to 10th place finishes and 11 more NER qualifying times. 

Silver Medallists (2)
Oliver Ba (2), Harry Di (1)

Bronze Medallists (2)
Katie Sa (1), Solomon CoW (1)

HDW 4th - 10th Places in Yorkshire (2)
George Ri (6th), Euan Ca (8th)

Yorkshire Finalists 4th - 10th Place (12)
Oliver Ba (4th & 8th), David Gr (4th, 5th & 8th), Zach Wh (4th, 5th, 8th & 9th), Finn Ea (4th, 9th & 10th), Harry Di (5th & 7th), Harley Gi (5th & 10th), Lewis Lu (6th), Katie Sa (6th & 9th), Matthew Og (8th), George Ri (8th & 10th), Olive Mi (8th & 10th), Oscar Ca (9th), 

Results can be viewed by clicking the link below.

A big thank you to all the parents for their support and getting behind each Leeds swimmer during the relays.  Your cheering and enthusiasm really help get our swimmers going.  Well done to all the relay medallists.

🌟Gold Medals🌟
Female 9 - 10 yrs 200m Medley Team = City of Leeds A Team (Lily Ho, Martha Ne, Matilda ShP, Isabelle Jo)
Female 9 - 10 yrs 200m Freestyle Team = City of Leeds A Team (Matilda ShP, Martha Ne, Matilda Da, Isabelle Jo)
Open/Male 9 - 10 yrs 200m Medley Team = City of Leeds A Team (Reuben Ba, Adam Mo, Finley Sm, Callum Yo)
Open/Male 9 - 10 yrs 200m Freestyle Team = City of Leeds A Team (Reuben Ba, Finley Sm, Adam Mo, Callum Yo)

Female 11 - 12 yrs 200m Medley Team = City of Leeds A Team (Evelyn At, Addison Cr, Neve St, Willow Wr)
Female 11 - 12 yrs 200m Freestyle Team = City of Leeds A Team (Katie Sa, Maddie Be, Evelyn At, Willow Wr)
Open/Male 11 - 12 yrs 200m Medley Team = City of Leeds A Team (Tyler Ra, Ted Wi, Oliver Ba, David Gr)
Open/Male 11 - 12 yrs 200m Freestyle Team = City of Leeds A Team (David Gr, Oliver Ba, Zach Wh, Tyler Ra)

Silver Medals
Female 11 - 12 yrs 200m Medley Team = City of Leeds B Team (Jessica Co, Betsy Ki, Maddie Be, Katie Sa)
Open/Male 11 - 12 yrs 200m Medley Team = City of Leeds B Team (Finn Ea, Liam Li, Harry Di, Zachary Wh)
Open/Male 11 - 12 yrs 200m Freestyle Team = City of Leeds B Team (Oscar Ca, Henry Pa, Finn Ea, Harry Di)

Bronze Medals
Female 9 - 10 yrs 200m Medley Team = City of Leeds B Team (Lucy Ho, Gracie Ha, Matilda Pe, Matilda Da)

Female 11 - 12 yrs 200m Medley Team = City of Leeds C Team (Isla Cu, Evie Mo, Evie Co, Zoe Fe)
Open/Male 11 - 12 yrs 200m Medley Team = City of Leeds C Team (Tyler Gr, George Ri, Jacob Ca, Oscar Ca)
Open/Male 11 - 12 yrs 200m Freestyle Team = City of Leeds C Team (Ted Wi, Sam Fo, Tyler Gr, George Ri)

"Go into the sport because you have fun doing it, not because of "what ifs" and dreams of gold medals.  That way, no matter what happens, you win."
Shannon Miller (American Gymnast, two-time Olympic gold medallist (Atlanta 1996)).

Keep up the hard work in training and the results will show.  

The Regional Team

YSA Champs City of Leeds Support

A big thankyou to all those parents from Leeds that helped with the smooth running of the Yorkshire Championships this year.  Without parents stepping up to help, events like this would not be possible to run.  Please see the email below from Yorkshire Swimming.
Can I be the first to say thankyou for the support that City of Leeds and its supporters have given to this year's Yorkshire Championships.
The Championships would have struggled without your help.
Please pass on my thanks to all those involved.
YSA Swimming Secretary

Saturday, 22 February 2025

The 2025 Leeds Sports Awards

Nominations are now sought for the 22nd Annual Leeds Sports Awards. 
A total of 15 awards will be presented on the evening, and the public are invited to nominate for 13 of these, including the new Sustainability Award.
2024 was another fantastic year in sport for the city led by the performances of our Olympians and Paralympians. The city staged the Super League Magic Weekend for the first time, hosted the second running of the Rob Burrow Leeds Marathon and national teams competed in the city as part of the UK Corporate Games. 
The 2025 Awards brought to you by Sport Leeds and supported by Leeds City Council will take place on Thursday 15th May staged for the first time at the Carriageworks Theatre, with a new theatre style presentation. 
Rob Wadsworth Chair of Sport Leeds said "the Leeds Sports Awards ceremony is one of the highlights of the Leeds sporting calendar as we celebrate the performances of athletes, of all levels and ages, coaches, administrators and volunteers from across the city during 2024. 
Leeds City Councillor Salma Arif (Executive Member for Adult Social Care, Active Lifestyles and Culture) said "As a city, we are fortunate to have some of the country's top athletes based here, as well as a tremendous network of volunteers who do so much to keep our communities active. The Leeds Sports Awards provides an opportunity for the unsung heroes and world leading athletes to be acknowledged on the same stage".
The following awards are available for nomination.
Athletes of the City
• Young Disability Sportsperson (under 18)
• Disability Sportsperson
• Young Sportsperson (under 18)
• Sportsperson
Beacons of the City
• School Achievement
• Sports Volunteer
• Community Coach
• Community Club
• Student Sport Champion(s)
Champions of the City
• Inspirational Community Champion
• Sustainability Award
• Performance Coach
• Performance Team/Club
Please nominate now for your sporting heroes at https://yorkshire.sportsuite.c...
Nominations close 15th March

Thursday, 20 February 2025

City of Leeds Spring Development Meet 2025

Entries are now open online for the Spring Development Meet held at John Charles on Saturday 5th April.  Entries will close on Monday 3rd March at 21:30.
- This is for swimmers in Regional Development who are not old enough to take part in the Regional Competition Calendar (Anyone under 9 years old, age at 5th April 2025). 
- Swimmers should enter ALL events

Entry form and information can be found by clicking the link below.

To make entry into the competition
- Log into your online account using the link (
- On the Menu Bar click Gala's
- Click Enter Gala and follow the instructions
* Please note entries will not be accepted until payment is made, payment should be made on checkout.
This competition cannot run without the help of volunteers, if you are available on the day to help, please email Anna Darnell (

The Regional Team

Wednesday, 19 February 2025


Good evening all,
The facility have made the decision to cancel all AM squad training tomorrow, Thursday 20th February due to the issues some swimmers were experiencing during tonight's session.
A new building management system (BMS) has been installed to improve efficiency and manage costs more effectively for the centre, however this has caused some slight issues with the air and water temperature. The facility management team have assured us that the issue is being resolved as quickly as possible, and appreciates your patience during the transition over to the new system.
As it stands, the PM session is scheduled as normal, however if we have any further communication we will be in contact.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Kind regards,
STS Coaching Team

Monday, 17 February 2025


Hi all, 
Apologies for the short notice, we are having to cancel all training this evening due to the poolside air temperature being too hot. 
This has got progressively worse over that last 2 hours. 
Sorry for the late notice. 
Swim Training Scheme 

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Yorkshire Sprints & Teams & Training Changes

Hi all,
This weekend is the final round of the Yorkshire's and it's time to get ready to Sprint!!!!!  For some of you it will be your last competition before your promotions.  Remember, in sprints it is vital to get all the elements of the race right.  If you get your start, transition, and finish spot on, this can be the milliseconds needed to move up a few places in the results.  Also, in the 50m sprints it is your chance to shine and earn your place in selection for future relays.  Please note Saturday's results will not be used for Sunday's teams, these are already selected.
Training Changes
Regional Development & Regional Performance
Friday 21st February - 18:30 - 19:30 (1 hour only)
Saturday 22nd February - No Training (Squad Competing in Sheffield)
Monday 24th February - No AM Training (Recovery)
The schedule for the weekend can be viewed by using the link below:
A Programme may be downloaded or printed from here.  There will be no programmes sold at the event.

Last year at these Championships there were Ninety-Two No Shows on Weekend One.  This is not acceptable.  If a swimmer is not going to swim in a heat they must inform the Entry Manager of their Intention to withdraw no later than the following deadlines:
8pm on the Friday Evening for all events on the Saturday Morning
9am on Saturday for events on Saturday Afternoon
6pm on Saturday for events on Sunday Morning
9am on Sunday for events on Sunday Afternoon
Seeded Heat Start lists will be produced.  Notifications should be sent to

If anyone selected for teams becomes sick and cannot compete on Sunday, please email as soon as possible.
We are still very short of volunteers for all sessions.  Any additional help would be greatly appreciated.  We offer travelling expenses to all those assisting us at a Gala together with a meal allowance if working all day.  We do not have an upper claim limit.  Please contact Jayne Smart:

Team Championships Sunday 23rd February 2025
Tickets for this date will be for one session only.  The Spectator Balcony will be cleared between sessions.
No ticket will be required to view the Mixed Sex 800m Freestyle
Tickets can be purchased from our online system here

Spectators should sit on the Omega side seats which are those on the right as you walk through the doors onto the Spectator Balcony.  All seats to the left have been allocated to clubs.

Declaration Form for 800m Freestyle.
We will be using a Re-Entry System for the 800m Freestyle on the Sunday.  All Leeds swimmers will be re-entered through the Team Managing Staff, swimmers are to confirm their intention to race the 800m Freestyle the Team Managers the day before the event.
Warm Up & Arrival Times

Saturday Am (Ponds Forge, Sheffield)
Female 10-13 Yrs:  Arrive: 07:00, Warm Up: 07:30 to 07:50
Female 14 & Over:  Arrive: 07:20, Warm Up: 07:50 to 08:10
Open/ Male 10-13 Yrs:  Arrive: 07:40, Warm Up: 08:10 to 08:30
Open/ Male 14 & Over:  Arrive: 08:00, Warm Up: 08:30 to 08:50
Start: 09:00
Saturday Pm (Ponds Forge, Sheffield)
Female 10-13 Yrs:  Arrive: 12:05, Warm Up: 12:35 to 12:55
Female 14 & Over:  Arrive: 12:25, Warm Up: 12:55 to 13:15
Open/ Male 10-13 Yrs:  Arrive: 12:35, Warm Up: 13:15 - 13:35
Open/ Male 14 & Over:  Arrive: 13:05, Warm Up: 13:35 - 13:55
Start: 14:00
Sunday Am (Ponds Forge, Sheffield) – Mixed 800m Freestyle
Arrive:  07:00
Warm Up:  07:30 to 07:50
Start:  08:00
Sunday Am Teams (Ponds Forge, Sheffield)
All swimmers to arrive: 10.00
Warm Up: 10.30
Start:  11:30
Sunday Pm Teams (Ponds Forge, Sheffield)
All swimmers to arrive: 14:00
Warm Up: 14:30
Start: 15:30
Please see team lists below so you know which session AM or PM you are down to compete.
We are looking forward to seeing some fast swimming this weekend as some of you have achieved a PB in training within the last 2 weeks.  Get down that first 25m hard and keep picking up the effort every 10 metres.  Don't slow down into the finish and smash through the wall.  When swimming in the relays be careful on the takeovers, block out the background noise and concentrate on your team mate swimming in.  It is better to go late than early and get your team disqualified.
'Before the (Olympic) trials I was doing a lot of relaxing exercises and visualisation.  And I think that that helped me to get a feel of what it was gonna be like when I got there.  I knew that I had done everything that I could to get ready for that meet, both physically and mentally.'  Michael Phelps, 6 Gold medals, 2004 Olympic games
Good Luck Everyone!
The Regional Team

Monday 17th Feb am ***CANCELLED***

Good afternoon, hope you are all well.
Due to technical problems with the air handling units at the pool, the centre has cancelled sessions for the morning until they can get someone in.
Evening training will be on as normal unless we hear any different we will let you know.
The Regional Team

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Regional Squads Training Changes - March 2025

Hi all,   
Please take note of the following changes to training for the Regional Squads during March due to pool bookings and competitions.  
Regional Development   
Monday 3rd March AM - No Training  (Recovery after March Madness)

Saturday 8th March AM - 6:15 - 7:45 (Dive Pit) (Earlier time due to G Star Diving Comp)  

Saturday 15th March AM - 6:00 - 7:30 (Long Course) (Earlier time due to Richmond Dales Meet)  

Saturday 22nd March AM - 5:45 - 7:15 (Dive Pit) (Earlier time due to York City Baths Meet)  
Saturday 29th March AM – 5:45 - 7:15 (Dive Pit) (Earlier time due to Sheffield Gala)   
Regional Performance  
Monday 3rd March AM - No Training  (Recovery after March Madness)
The Regional Team 

Regional Dev Thu Am - 400m IM TT

400m IM Time Trial Results (Thu 13th February Am: Short Course)
Regional Development
Liam Li = 6:29.78
Henry Pa = 6:41.16
Emma Gl = 7:19.02
Zac Ph = 7:22.49
Danny Ra = 7:28.09
Adam Mo = 7:33.98
Jacob Ca = 7:39.53
Finnley Sm = 7:45.03
Finnley Jo = 7:53.41
Eve HeW = 7:55.53
Isabel Jo = 7:59.52
Martha Ne = 7:59.95
Daisy Ra = 8:10.55
Lily Ho = 8:56.25
Gracie Ha = 8:59.02

Monday, 10 February 2025

Regional Squad SMASH the Yorkshire Championships!

After two long hard weekends of competing, Regional Development & Regional Performance performed outstandingly, posting some fantastic times on the board.


Regional Development achieved 148 PB's out of 185 Swims, 10 Gold Medals, 7 Silver Medals, 8 Bronze Medals, 29 Yorkshire Final Swims (18 of which were swum faster in the final), 45 - 4th - 10th place finishes in Yorkshire and 12 more NER Qualifying Times.  Great Stuff!

🏆Gold Medallists (2)🏆
Ted Wi (7), Henry Pa (3)

Silver Medallists (4)
Liam Li (3), Henry Pa (2), Ted Wi (1), Zac Ph (1)

Bronze Medallists (4)
Henry Pa (3), Liam Li (2), Ted Wi (2), Sam Fo (1)

HDW 4th - 10th Places in Yorkshire (14)
Henry Pa (4th), Adam Mo (5th), Isabelle Jo (5th), Liam Li (5th, 7th & 7th), Finnley Jo (5th, 5th & 8th), Sam Fo (5th, 6th, 6th, 8th, 8th & 9th), Zac Ph (5th, 7th , 9th & 10th), Reuben Ba (6th), Jacob Ca (6th & 7th), Finley Sm (7th, 8th & 10th), Emma Gl (8th), Isabella Hu (8th), Callum Yo (9th), Fraser Ga (9th, 10th & 10th)

Yorkshire Finalists 4th - 10th Places (9)
Henry Pa (4th), Jacob Ca (4th & 5th), Adam Mo (4th & 8th), Sam Fo (4th, 9th & 9th), Zac Ph (6th), Emma Gl (7th), Liam Li (7th & 8th), Reuben Ba (8th), Fraser Ga (10th)

Regional Performance achieved 193 PB's out of 249 Swims, 8 Silver Medals, 10 Bronze Medals, 23 Yorkshire Final Swims (11 of which were swum faster in the final), 56 - 4th - 10th place finishes in Yorkshire and 29 more NER Qualifying Times.  Well Done!

Silver Medallists (5)
Oliver Ba (3), Katie Sa (2), Harry Di (1), Lewis Lu (1), Zach Wh (1)

Bronze Medallists (3)
Katie Sa (4), Oliver Ba (4), Harry Di (2)

HDW 4th - 10th Places in Yorkshire (21)
Sophia La (4th), Harry DI (4th, 4th, 4th & 5th), Oliver Ba (4th & 5th), Zach Wh (4th & 10th), Oscar Ca (5th, 8th, 9th & 9th), Olive Mi (5th & 9th), Lewis Lu (6th & 7th), Euan Ca (6th & 9th),  Solomon CWi (6th & 10th), Ellis Ha (7th), Tyler Gr (7th & 7th), Tomas Bi (7th, 8th & 9th), George Ri (7th, 9th, 10th & 10th), Adrian Ch (8th), Barney Ho (9th), Maddie Fl (9th), Nell Ha (9th), Ava Al (10th), David Gr (10th), Harley Gi (10th), Isla Cu (10th)

Yorkshire Finalists 4th - 10th Places (12)
Harry Di (4th), Katie Sa (4th & 5th), Zach Wh (4th & 5th), David Gr (5th & 10th), Oscar Ca (6th), Euan Ca (7th), Finn Ea (7th), George Ri (7th & 9th), Ella Ha (8th), Isla Cu (8th), Olive Mi (8th), Lewis Lu (9th & 9th)

Results can be seen using the links below:

'Winning the gold medal was undoubtedly the biggest day of my career, mostly because I won the way I had prepared to run it.  It was a totally satisfying experience.'
(Frank Shorter.  American athlete, Olympic gold medallist, Munich 1972)

The Regional Team

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

New for 2025 - Classic Weatherproof Robe

200m Max Kick & 15m Underwater Fly Kick Test Results

Hi all,
Here are the results from this month's kick test.  PB's are highlighted in green.  The next kick test will be held on Monday 3rd March.
All times from the start of the season can be viewed using the link below.

Well Done!

Reg Dev
200m Max Kick
Jacob Ca
Ted Wi
Zac Ph
Theo Si
Isabelle Jo
Henry Pa
Emilia De
Callum Yo
Reuben Ba
Isabellea Hu
Liam Li
Finnley Jo
Lily Ho
Emma Gl
Henry Ro
Daniel Ra
Gracie Ha
Daisy Ra
Onadi Gu
Eve HWo
Holly Br
Imogen Mu
Lola Ma
Matilda Pe
Matilda SPr
Hannah Hwo
Martha Ne
Mustafa Ra
Finley Sm
Adam Mo
George B-Wo
Harper El
Fraser Ga
Eden Ch
Theo Gi
Samuel Fo
Stella Bo
Reg Dev
15m U/W
Emilia De
Jacob Ca
Reuben Ba
Ted Wi
Isabelle Jo
Onadi Gu
Matilda Pe
Zac Ph
Lola Ma
Daisy Ra
Finnley Jo
Liam Li
Martha Ne
Isabellea Hu
Callum Yo
Theo Si
Emma Gl
Gracie Ha
Eve HWo
Henry Pa
George B-Wo
Adam Mo
Henry Ro
Finley Sm
Holly Br
Harper El
Matilda SPr
Daniel Ra
Imogen Mu
Lily Ho
Fraser Ga
Eden Ch
Hannah Hwo
Mustafa Ra
Theo Gi
Samuel Fo
Stella Bo
Reg Per
200m Max Kick
Oscar Ca
Matthew Og
David Gr
Isla Cu
Tomas Bi
Adrian Ch
Zachary Wh
Finn Ea
Oliver Ba
Harry Di
Muhammad Ra
Jessica Di
Barney Ho
Ella Ha
Maddie Fl
Sophia We
Ffion Ch
Alana Ra
Lewis Lu
Olive Mi
Tyler Gr
Euan Ca
Grace Ol
Francessca Sp
Ayla Ca
Max Ha
George Ri
Sophia La
Katie Sa
Ellis Ha
Jude Ca
Solomon CW
Nell Ha
Harley Gi
Ava Al
Evie Mo
Harrison No
Reg Per
15m U/W
Oscar Ca
Maddie Fl
Zachary Wh
Harry Di
Isla Cu
Jessica Di
Oliver Ba
Matthew Og
Tomas Bi
Finn Ea
Olive Mi
Sophia We
Alana Ra
Lewis Lu
Max Ha
David Gr
Barney Ho
George Ri
Katie Sa
Grace Ol
Ffion Ch
Tyler Gr
Jude Ca
Muhammad Ra
Ella Ha
Euan Ca
Solomon CW
Ayla Ca
Francessca Sp
Nell Ha
Adrian Ch
Sophia La
Ava Al
Harley Gi
Ellis Ha
Evie Mo
Harrison No