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Monday 24 June 2024

Leeds Summer Meet 2024

Well done to everyone who competed Leeds Summer Meet, most of you annihilated your PB's.  We are extremely proud of you all.

Regional Development achieved a whopping 171 PB's out of 231 Swims, 34 Gold's, 35 Silver's, 26 Bronze Medals, 27 more Yorkshire times and 9 additional NER qualifying times.  Great Job!

Here is a link to Regional Development's Best Times (long course Yorkshire times = green, NER's = red)

🏆Gold Medallists (13)🏆
Liam Li (11), Oscar Ca (4), Ted Wi (4), Sophia La (3), Reuben Ba (2), Henry Pa (2), Isabella Hu (2), Ava Al (1), Callum Yo (1), Finley Sm (1), Isabelle Jo (1), Katie Sa (1), Tyler Gr (1)

Silver Medallists (18)
Reuben Ba (5), Oscar Ca (3), Sophia La (3), Tyler Gr (3), Ava Al (2), Isabella Hu (2), Jessica Dj (2), Euan Ca (2), Finley Sm (2), Isabelle Jo (2), Sam Fo (2), Adrian Ch (1), Callum Yo (1), Isabella Ri (1), Katie Sa (1), Mustafa Ra (1), Nell Ha (1), Ted Wi (1)

Bronze Medallists (16)
Oscar Ca (3), Sophia La (3), Ava Al (2), Finley Sm (2), Henry Pa (2), Isabelle Jo (2), Nell Ha (2), Tyler Gr (2), Adrian Ch (1), Callum Yo (1), Euan Ca (1), Finn Ea (1), Isabella Ri (1), Lewis Lu (1), Mustafa Ra (1), Sam Fo (1)

Regional Performance achieved a fantastic 189 PB's out of 298 Swims, 40 Gold's, 40 Silver's, 38 Bronze Medals, 19 additional Yorkshire qualifying times and 26 more NER's.  Brilliant!

🏆Gold Medallists (17)🏆
Evelyn At (6), Harry Di (4), Michelle Br (4), Ava McL (3), Oliver Ba (3), Oliver At (3), Tyler Ra (3), Zach Wh (3), Grace O'Ha (2), Harrison Wa (2), Callum Fo (1), Evie Co (1), George Ki (1), Isla Cu (1), Jacob (1), Madeline Be (1), Olaf Gr (1)

Silver Medallists (20)
Oliver Ba (4), Tyler Ra (4), Ava McL (3), Betsy Ki (3), Evelyn At (3), George Ki (3), Grace O'Ha (3), Oliver At (3), Callum Fo (2), Maddie Fl (2), Barney Ho (1), Fion Ch (1), Harrison Wa (1), Isabelle Pa (1), Isla Cu (1), Jacob Jo (1), Madeline Be (1), Michelle Br (1), Olaf Gr (1), Zach Wh (1)

Bronze Medallists (19)
Zach Wh (5), George Ki (4), Oliver At (4), Harry Di (3), Izzy Pa (3), Madeline Be (3), Callum Fo (2), Evelyn At (2), Evie Co (2), Alana Ra (1), Ava McL (1), Betsy Ki (1), Grace Ol (1), Grace O'Ha (1), Harrison Wa (1), Isabelle Lo (1), Jessica Co (1), Tyler Ra (1), Oliver Ba (1)

Results from the weekend can be viewed by clicking the link below;

Below is a link to the Yorkshire short course qualifying times.  Your challenge is to attempt to make the qualifying standard for as many different events as you can before entries close (23rd September) after the City of Leeds Club Championships. Good Luck.   
Not long to go now until our Olympics (Manchester Meet & the Sheffield Summer Meet).  This is the last stretch now until the end of the season, try to attend every session between now and then to give you the best possible chance of success.  Let's smash it!!!!!! 

Always practice Olympic starts, turns and finishes in training and then transfer this into your race.

Lack of concentration on skills in training only means you will be getting great at performing poor starts, turns and finishes.

Speed + no skill = only good until the skilful swimmers catch up
Skill + no speed = looks pretty but can't quite manage to achieve the qualifying time
Speed + Great Skills = recipe for success

Keep Training Hard!

The Regional Team