1st & 2nd February 2025
John Charles Centre for Sport, Leeds
Help Required Officials/Announcers/Marshals
We are still very short of volunteers for all sessions. Any additional help would be appreciated. At the moment some sessions may have to be cancelled!
We offer travelling expenses to all those assisting us at a Gala together with either a meal, or allowance for one, if working all day. We do not have an upper claim limit.
If you have purchased a Spectator Ticket we will obviously refund it!
Please contact Jayne Smart: jaynesmart.ysaofficials@gmail.com
All submitted entries for the Yorkshire Championships 2025 have been accepted.
Due to a high volume of swims it will not be possible to have Finals for 400m Events which will now be Heat Declared Winner for all ages.
A Programme will be available to be printed from here. We will not be selling programmes at the event.
Warm Up is split based on the number of swimmers in the Session.
Morning/ Afternoon (Swimmers to arrive and check in with Team Managers 30 minutes before their allocated warm up)
Mixed 10-12 years = 8am-8-20am/ 1pm-1-20pm
Mixed 13-15 years = 8-20am to 8-40am/ 1-20pm to 1-40pm
Mixed 16 years and over = 8-40am to 9am/ 1-40pm to 2pm
Session Start = 9-05am/ 2-05pm
Morning/ Afternoon (Swimmers to arrive and check in with Team Managers 30 minutes before their allocated warm up)
Mixed 10-12 years = 8am-8-20am/ 1pm-1-20pm
Mixed 13-15 years = 8-20am to 8-40am/ 1-20pm to 1-40pm
Mixed 16 years and over = 8-40am to 9am/ 1-40pm to 2pm
Session Start = 9-05am/ 2-05pm
There will be a NESS Swimwear shop in the Studio. The Café should be open.
Tickets for all Sessions
All Spectator Tickets for Leeds must be purchased in advance via our online system here. We will not be accepting payment on the door.
There are still tickets available for all Sessions.
If you cannot obtain a ticket why not volunteer? Provided only one spectator per ticket is in the pool hall at any one-time tickets may be shared. On entry a wristband will be given to the first person using the ticket and this wristband must be handed to any subsequent person using the same ticket.
Spectators should sit in the 4 blocks of seats towards the start end of the pool (The end with the Scoreboard). Parts of the other two blocks of seats will be allocated to clubs.
Last year at these Championships there were Ninety-Two No Shows on Weekend One.
This is not acceptable.
If a swimmer is not going to swim in a heat they must inform the Entry Manager of their Intention to withdraw no later than the following deadlines:
8pm on the Friday Evening for all events on the Saturday Morning
9am on Saturday for events on Saturday Afternoon
6pm on Saturday for events on Sunday Morning
9am on Sunday for events on Sunday Afternoon
Seeded Heat Start lists will be produced.
Notifications should be sent to entries@yorkshireswimming.org
Barry J Saunders,
Swimming Secretary