Congratulations on the following swimmers on their selection for promotion. We wish you all the best of luck in your new squad's. A big thank you for all the nice gifts we have received 😀
Regional Performance > National Age Group
Zach Wh, Oliver Ba, David Gr, Harry Di, Harley Gi, Tomas Bi, Isla Cu, Katie Sa, Olive Mi
Regional Performance > National Development
Muhammad Ra
Regional Development > National Development
Eve He
Regional Development > Regional Performance
Emilia De, Emma Gl, Daniel Ra, Theo Si, Henry Pa, Ted Wi, Liam Li, Sam Fo, Zac Ph, Isabella Hu, Isabelle Jo, Martha Ne, Matilda Sh
We welcome to Regional Performance...
Annelise Ci, Elizabeth Ro
We welcome to Regional Development...
Jake Ha, Matilda Da, Jessica Su, Finley Gi, Dexter Ro, Noah Be, Oscar Sz, Sophie Le, Sophia Ko, Hannah Cr, Alfie Ca, David Mc
Updated squad PB sheets can be viewed on the links below;
Well Done 🙂
The Regional Team