Information for Swimmers & Parents of Regional Age Group

Please check at least every other day for updates.

Kevin Schofield (

Oli Nevitt (

Saturday 12 October 2013

Snow Frills Entries

Hi All,


As you will know the Snow Frills competition was entered knowing there was every chance we wouldn't be successful due to the competition been oversubscribed. Unfortunately this has partly happened; some entries have been accepted and some haven't. We are awaiting the rejection list back from City of Sheffield so we know which swimmers won't get a swim.


Therefore, what we now propose is, those who do get rejected from Snow Frills we will put the same entries in to the Bradford Meet which is taking place at the Aquatics Centre, JCCS on 23rd/24th November. As you will appreciate there is still no guarantee that Leeds swimmers will get the chance to compete but we will make every effort to get as many in as we possibly can.


Please still make any payments on Monday 14th October for entries which you have submitted and as soon as we know where we are at, the club can issue refunds were necessary (if not accepted in to Bradford Meet etc).


As you can hopefully appreciate it was a huge effort getting these entries sorted and sent at the last minute, and unfortunately there is nothing we can do about the rejections.


If you have any queries then please take these to the Denison Suite on Monday evening where there will be members of committee who may be able to help.


Many thanks


Kevin, Tom S, Josh, Scott & Tom B