Information for Swimmers & Parents of Regional Age Group

Please check at least every other day for updates.

Kevin Schofield (

Oli Nevitt (

Monday 2 November 2020

Social Distancing Reminder

Dear Parent/Guardian,


In light of the rise in cases of coronavirus in Leeds, we must ask you once again to ensure that social distancing is maintained outside of the swimming pool. Please ensure that your child is not stood in a group whilst waiting to enter the building. We are currently working with the centre management to ensure that markings are put down outside of the building to assist us with organising the swimmers into orderly lines before entering. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to ensure that their child adheres to social distancing requirements outside of the building.


With immediate effect, we now request that swimmers wear a face covering when entering and moving around the leisure facilities. Swimmers should leave the face covering on when getting ready to swim and must put the face covering back on once they have left the pool to get dried and changed.


Please also remind your child that they should maintain an appropriate distance at all times when walking around the building and once they have entered the building should remain on their allocated 'spot' until the coach instructs them to enter the water.


Thanks in advance for your support.


LCC Coaching Staff