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Thursday 29 February 2024

Young Leader Profile – ‘Why I Swim’ by Robyn from City of Leeds SC

I started learning to swim when I was five years old at Atlantis Swimming School. I started swimming lessons with school at my local pool. At one session, a City of Leeds Swimming Club coach attended and observed everyone. I was invited to a trial for a place in the Stage 8 Group, was accepted and I began training 3 times a week on evenings and competed in short races at Development Galas every now and again. A year later, I was told I was being promoted into a bigger squad which was a part of the City of Leeds Swimming Club called Regional Fast Track. Since then, I have been promoted 3 times and I now train 8 times a week in the pool, with one session on land and compete at regional level, aiming towards National.

Swimming is enjoyable for three reasons:

Community: In a swim club, you are surrounded with kind and supportive coaches and amazing friends. Personally, I enjoy competitions because I get to spend the weekend with my friends, and we get to cheer each other on when racing.

Life-skills: In swimming you gain many skills: You learn resilience, nutrition, self-confidence, self-control, respect, reflection, independence and motivation.

Health: Swimming is a fantastic sport to keep fit and healthy by exercising and it is a great way to release endorphins, which interact with your brain and reduces stress.

Why swimming helps me in my life:

  • Resilience is built when you experience those moments when you become so tired you feel like quitting but don't.
  • Being a part of the club provides the opportunity to make life-long friendships.
  • Regular training builds discipline.
  • You learn to work with others and to be a proud supportive and kind team member.
  • You learn to deal with disappointment when you don't do as well in a race as you would have liked.
  • You make and accomplish goals.
  • You learn to be patient when improvements in your swimming don't come as quickly as you'd like.
  • You learn to enjoy celebrating success and collecting medals.

I have gained experience in training, competitions and I have also assisted coaching in sessions with younger swimmers as a part of my Duke of Edinburgh Award. I am very outspoken and confident to always give me opinion. I completed the Young Leader Aquatic Helper Training to help with my development.

I have since joined the Swim England North East Region Youth Forum because I love swimming and I would love the opportunity to give back to the sport by taking part in the youth forum. I would like to gain more experience in volunteering, teamwork and leadership. I would love to represent my sport as I believe that I have been dedicated to swimming for many years and I would be a good representative.

Any young person interested in young leader opportunities should contact